As of 9 pm, no boats competing in the PIC Coastal Classic are anywhere near the finish line, let alone Cape Brett. With a tricky light air start to the race and a few tacks to get up around Kawau, most have enjoyed stable breeze for the afternoon and are past the half way mark. As the breeze is starting to drop for the evening, anything could happen overnight… but here’s where things sat at 9 pm:
PredictWind Division 1a
NZ Ocean Racing is in the lead and sailing at 7kn of boat speed off the Whananaki coastline. They are followed by Mayhem, and Wired who are going a similar speed and have been close all day.
Doyle Sails Division 1b
All three new Melges 40 have a comfortable lead ahead of the usual heads of this division - Sikon has a narrow margin ahead of Checkmate and Clockwork. They are off Ngunguru Bay.
Mount Gay Division 2
Charmonet leads the fleet, only just ahead of Nirvana. They are just off Ocean Beach at Whangarei Heads.
PIC Insurance Brokers Division 3
Pacific Sundance has a decent lead on the fleet, but Carpe Diem in second place looks to be going outside of the Hen and Chicks to find a passing lane.
Burnard International Division 4
PEPE, the Ross 930 has been having a great day, seeming to charge up the outside of the hen and chicks too, with E NINE splitting to lead the majority on the inside route.
B&G Division 5
Motorboat is leading this division into the bottom of Bream Bay, and the Y88’s Babe, War Machine and Slipstream II chasing them up to Sail Rock.
NZ Multihull Yacht Club Division 6
Local Bay of Islands resident Erle Williams is smoking the fleet on APACHE and is currently off Tutukaka. Romanza in second is only doing 6 knots, and Cation in third is doing 9 knots, so may catch up soon!
Zhik Division 7
Liz Alonzi and her crew aboard Timberwolf have put a bit of ground in front of Attitude, both are sailing along at about 5kn just south of Awahoa Bay.
RailBlaza Division 8
This is one of the closest fleets out there at the moment is division 8: Good Chanse are leading Itza Dream and Young At heart
36° Cruising Rally
Inheritance has finally overtaken Storyteller – whether there is motoring involved in this takeover we are not sure… but this division are allowed to motor up to four hours!
Stay tuned to the PredictWind Tracker